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30 November 2010

Modified Assembly Schedule for Winter Sports Kickoff - 12/1

6:40 – 7:30 am Zero Hour

7:35 – 8:20 am 1st Period

8:25 – 9:10 am 2nd Period

9:15 – 10:00 am 3rd Period

10:05 – 10:40 am Assembly

10:45 – 11:30 am 4th Period

11:35 – 12:25 pm 5a/1st Lunch

12:30 – 1:20 pm 5b/2nd Lunch

1:25 – 2:10 pm 6th Period

2:15 – 3:00 pm 7th Period

29 November 2010

Anthem Reading Schedule

by Ayn Rand

Reading Schedule: Be sure to read the following selections by the dates listed below. Remember to expect a reading quiz over each selection on the date listed. **Since this is an ongoing assignment, you are responsible for keeping up with the reading schedule regardless of absences. This means that even if you are absent on a day before reading is due, you are still responsible for the reading quiz on the day you return. Be prepared so that you can learn as much as possible in class each day.

Thursday 12/2 - Ch. 1-3
Monday 12/6 - Ch. 4-9
Wednesday 12/8 - Ch. 10-12

Weekly Schedule 11/29 - 12/3

Monday: 11/29 - Welcome Back!
I will pass back your Writer's Notebook Entries. We will begin class by going over the list of commonly confused words that I distributed before the break. Then, we'll talk about cause and effect writing. I'll introduce some of the common structural approaches, and you'll take some notes on the subject. Finally, you will brainstorm with a peer to generate a thesis for a cause and effect essay on Romeo & Juliet. You will turn in your Romeo & Juliet books during class.
Study the list of commonly confused words.
I will distribute a packet about cause and effect essays.

Tuesday: 11/30
We'll begin class with a brief vocabulary quiz to check your understanding of some commonly confused words. We will finish reading and discussing the handout on structuring cause and effect writing. Then, we'll read and discuss an example of an effective cause and effect essay. We'll discuss the arrangement and style of the piece, and talk about the role of punctuation in a writer's approach to cause and effect relationships. Finally, I will distribute Ayn Rand's Anthem and we'll go over the reading schedule.
Study the list of commonly confused words.

Wednesday: 12/1 - Winter Sports Kickoff Assembly (See Modified Assembly Schedule)
You will read Lillian B. Rubin's essay "Guns and Grief." You will answer the Comprehension Questions, and then complete the attached Journal Entry.
HW: Study the list of commonly confused words.

Thursday: 12/2 - Happy Birthday, Kristi!
You will begin by taking a reading quiz over chapters 1-3 of Anthem. We'll discuss the reading selection. I will introduce the characteristics of dystopian literature, and you'll apply your understanding of these characteristics to the text of Anthem as well as a few clips of the film The Matrix.
HW: Study the list of commonly confused words.

Friday: 12/3
You'll begin by taking another brief vocabulary quiz to check for growing understanding of the list of commonly confused words. We'll finish going over the introduction to dystopian literature, and then discuss the cause and effect essays you've read this week. Finally, you will brainstorm a list of possible topics for your own cause and effect essay.
  • Study the list of commonly confused words.
  • Select a topic for your cause and effect essay and draft a proposal.
Handout: Semester One Final Exam Study Checklist

14 November 2010

Weekly Schedule 11/15 - 11/19

Congratulations Ladies Volleyball State Champs!

Monday: 11/15
IC: You will hand in Lesson Ten Vocabulary work and then take the Lesson Ten Vocabulary test. Then, you will complete Writer's Notebook Entry #12. Finally, depending on available time, we will view the opening sequence of Baz Luhrmann's Romeo & Juliet and discuss.
HW: Completed, organized Writer's Notebook Entries #1-12 due Wednesday 11/17. Remember that the entries must be labeled correctly, show evidence of thoughtfulness and effort, and be on topic to receive full credit.

Tuesday: 11/16 - Happy Birthday, Grant!
IC: First period will begin viewing Baz Luhrmann's Romeo & Juliet. Seventh period will complete a timed write and then begin viewing the film.
HW: Completed, organized Writer's Notebook Entries #1-12 due Wednesday 11/17. Remember that the entries must be labeled correctly, show evidence of thoughtfulness and effort, and be on topic to receive full credit.

Wednesday: 11/17 - Happy Birthday, Katri!
IC: You will begin class by handing in your Writer's Notebook Entries. Then, we will continue viewing and discussing the film.

Thursday: 11/18 - Happy Birthday, Alli!
IC: We will continue viewing and discussion the film.

Friday: 11/19 - Last day of school before Thanksgiving Break!
IC: We will finish viewing and discussing the film. Then, I will distribute a list of commonly confused words that will serve as your spelling and vocabulary words after break.

Saturday: 11/20 - Happy Birthday, Iris!

08 November 2010

Weekly Schedule 11/8 - 11/12

Monday: 11/8
You will hand in Lesson Nine Vocabulary, and take the Lesson Nine Vocabulary Test. Then, we will continue reading and discussing Romeo & Juliet.

Tuesday: 11/9
I will introduce Lesson Ten Vocabulary. We will continue reading and discussing Romeo & Juliet.
Study and complete Lesson Ten Vocabulary, test Monday 11/15.

Wednesday: 11/10
We will continue reading and discussing Romeo & Juliet.
  • Study and complete Lesson Ten Vocabulary, test Monday 11/15.
  • Complete Writer's Notebook Entry #10.

Thursday: 11/11
We will continue reading and discussing Romeo & Juliet.
HW: Study and complete Lesson Ten Vocabulary, test Monday 11/15.

Friday: 11/12
You will complete a vocabulary review exercise to begin preparing for the final exam.
  • Study and complete Lesson Ten Vocabulary, test Monday 11/15.
  • Complete Writer's Notebook Entry #11.

04 November 2010

Special Championship Assembly Schedule for 11/5

Special Championship Assembly Schedule
to celebrate Boys State Cross Country Champions!

6:40 - 7:30 am - Zero Hour
7:35 - 8:20 am - 1st Period
8:25 - 9:10 am - 2nd Period
9:15 - 10:00 am - 3rd Period
10:02 - 10:40 am - Assembly
10:45 - 11:30 am - 4th Period
11:35 - 12:25 pm - 5a/1st Lunch
12:30 - 1:20 pm - 5b/2nd Lunch
1:25 - 2:10 pm - 6th Period
2:15 - 3:00 pm - 7th Period