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31 October 2010

Weekly Schedule 11/1 - 11/5

Monday: 11/1
IC: You will hand in Lesson Eight Vocabulary, and take the Lesson Eight Vocabulary Test. You will also hand in your Shakespearean Insults with complete and accurate definitions. We will continue reading Romeo & Juliet.
HW: Complete Writer's Notebook Entry #8 for Homework

Tuesday: 11/2
IC: I will introduce Lesson Nine Vocabulary. We will go over your completed Appositive Phrases: Practice Two and discuss. I will assign Practice Three, and we will complete the first section together. We will continue reading Romeo & Juliet.
  • Study and complete Lesson Nine Vocabulary, test Monday 11/8
  • Appositive Phrases: Practice 3 due Thursday 11/4

Wednesday: 11/3
IC: We will continue reading and discussing Romeo & Juliet.
  • Study and complete Lesson Nine Vocabulary, test Monday 11/8
  • Appositive Phrases: Practice 3 due Thursday 11/4

Thursday: 11/4
IC: You will hand in your completed Appositive Phrases work. We will continue reading and discussing Romeo & Juliet.
  • Study and complete Lesson Nine Vocabulary, test Monday 11/8
  • Complete Writer's Notebook Entry #9 for Homework

Friday: 11/5
IC: We will begin class with a vocabulary review. Then, will continue reading and discussing Romeo & Juliet.
HW: Study and complete Lesson Nine Vocabulary, test Monday 11/8

24 October 2010

Weekly Schedule - 10/25 - 10/29

Monday: 10/25
You will begin class by handing in your Lesson Seven Vocabulary Work and taking the Lesson Seven Vocabulary Test. Then, we will read and discuss Romeo & Juliet in class together.

Tuesday: 10/26
We will begin class by going over Lesson Eight Vocabulary Words together. Then, we will review the ten most commonly used comma rules, and I will distribute Comma Quiz #2, which you must complete by tomorrow. Finally, we will continue reading and discussing Romeo & Juliet together.
  • Study and complete Lesson Eight Vocabulary - test Monday 11/1
  • Complete Comma Quiz #2 by tomorrow.
  • Definition Writing of an abstract quality due Friday 10/29. Be sure to consider your many options for the formal presentation of this assignment. Will you type your definition piece in MLA format, incorporate it into a thoughtful collage, pair it with an original illustration?
Handout: Comma Quiz #2 (To be distributed in class.)

Wednesday: 10/27
IC: You will hand in your completed comma quizzes. Then, we will continue reading and discussing Romeo & Juliet together.

  • Study and complete Lesson Eight Vocabulary - test Monday 11/1
  • Definition Writing of an abstract quality due Friday 10/29.

Thursday: 10/28
IC: We will begin class with a review of Lesson Eight Vocabulary. Then, we will continue reading and discussing Romeo & Juliet together.
  • Study and complete Lesson Eight Vocabulary - test Monday 11/1
  • Definition Writing of an abstract quality due Friday 10/29.

Friday: 10/29 - Halloween Dress Up Day (Remember that all costumes must be dress code appropriate. No masks, full face paint, or weapons.)
IC: I will attend a district training today, so you'll be in the hands of one of my favorite substitutes, Ms. Wright. You will hand in your beautifully crafted Definition Writing pieces to Ms. Wright. Then, you will complete an exercise in mastering the art of the Shakespearean insult, the practice of which will make you infinitely cooler. Finally, you will be given time to complete Writer's Notebook Entry #7. Be sure to bring homework (vocabulary, or work from other classes) to help you make meaningful use of the time if you finish early.
  • Study and complete Lesson Eight Vocabulary - test Monday 11/1

17 October 2010

Weekly Schedule 10/18 - 10/22

Monday: 10/18
IC: You will hand in Lesson Six Vocabulary work and take the Lesson Six Test. As a class, we will go over your responses to Practice 1 in your Appositive Phrases packet. I will assign Practice 2 as homework. We will briefly discuss the two Shakespearean sonnets you looked at last week. I will distribute and check out copies of Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet, and we will take a close look at the prologue together. You will share the quotations you've collected about love, and then turn them in.
  • Read the introduction to Romeo & Juliet by Monday 10/25.
  • Complete Practice 2 in the Appositive Phrases Sentence-Composing Packet by Wednesday 10/20.

Tuesday: 10/19
IC: I will introduce Lesson Seven Vocabulary. We will talk about the purpose of puns and wordplay in Shakespeare's plays. Then we will begin reading Romeo & Juliet together in class.
  • Find a good example of a pun to bring to class some time next week.
  • Study and complete Lesson Seven Vocabulary - test Monday 10/25.
Wednesday: 10/20 - PLAN Test Schedule
IC: We will look at a few excerpts from J. Ruth Gendler's The Book of Qualities, and discuss the selections in which she personifies and characterizes a number of abstract qualities. You will be given a brief amount of time to jot down some possibilities for abstract qualities about which to write a definition piece. We will discuss expectations for the writing assignment. We will then continue reading Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet together.
  • Study and complete Lesson Seven Vocabulary - test Monday 10/25.
  • Definition Writing of an abstract quality due Friday 10/29. Be sure to consider your many options for the formal presentation of this assignment. Will you type your definition piece in MLA format, incorporate it into a thoughtful collage, pair it with an original illustration?
Handout: Definition Writing Handout (to be distributed in class)

Thursday: 10/21
IC: We will take an in-school field trip to witness a presentation by CMHS's drama teacher extraordinaire, Jodi Papproth. She will speak to you about the historical context of William Shakespeare's plays, and you will get an inside look at the staging choices and study involved in staging a production of Romeo & Juliet.
  • Study and complete Lesson Seven Vocabulary - test Monday 10/25.
  • Defnition Writing of an abstract quality due Friday 10/29.
Friday: 10/22 - No School, Teacher Work Day

10 October 2010

Weekly Schedule 10/11 - 10/15

Monday: 10/11 - Happy Birthday, Ellen!
You will hand in your Personal Essays with snapshots, proposals, and completed self assessments attached. You will hand in Lesson Five Vocabulary work, and complete the Lesson Five Vocabulary Test. We will conclude our discussion of The Little Prince through the lens of existential theory. I will collect and check in your copies of The Little Prince.
You will complete Writer's Notebook Entry #6.

Tuesday: 10/12 - Hits Night.
We will begin with an introduction to Lesson Six Vocabulary. We will discuss the ten most commonly used comma rules. You will complete a sentence composing exercise that focuses on the use of appositive phrases.

  • Study and complete Lesson Six Vocabulary - test Monday 10/18.
  • Complete the Comma quiz using your notes.
Handout: Commas. (Print and bring to class.)

Wednesday: 10/13 - Hits Night - PSAT Schedule
You will hand in the completed Comma Quiz. We will employ the elements of poetic analysis to close read "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?", a Shakespearean sonnet. You will be asked to identify the distinctive features of Elizabethan sonnets. We will end class with a discussion of puns and word play as well as a brief vocabulary review.
Study and complete Lesson Six Vocabulary - test Monday 10/18.

Thursday: 10/14
I will distribute copies of William Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet. You will receive and be asked to read an article about cultural traditions surrounding marriage. We will begin viewing and discussing an introductory documentary about the works and language of William Shakespeare. Link Leaders will come in for the last 30 minutes of class to speak with you.

  • Study and complete Lesson Six Vocabulary - test Monday 10/18.
  • Read the article about traditions and marriage, and craft thoughtful responses to the attached questions.
Handout: Article about cultural traditions that relate to marriage and corresponding questions. (To be distributed in class.)

Friday: 10/15
You will hand in your responses to the article. You will finish viewing and discussing the documentary about William Shakespeare's life and language. We will briefly discuss the article and your responses. We will then complete a poetic analysis of "My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun," another Shakespearean sonnet.
  • Study and complete Lesson Six Vocabulary - test Monday 10/18.
  • I have every reason to believe that many of you would admit that you haven't found love yet; you've had crushes, been madly in like, been in lust, but never felt the chest-thumping excitement and agony of real, true, honest love. However, references to love are all around you in music, TV shows, poetry, literature, movies, plays, musicals, and the like. For Monday, then, come to class with a reference to love: it can be a saying, song lyric, or proverb, but bring it in in writing. **Please: You don't have to give me the whole song! Four lines, maximum, will be sufficient... This means you have to select good lines!

03 October 2010

Weekly Schedule 10/4 - 10/8

Sunday: 10/3 - Happy Birthday, Amanda!

Monday: 10/4
You will begin class by handing in your Lesson Four Vocabulary and taking the Lesson Four Vocabulary Test. We will finish viewing and discussing the film Of Mice and Men as it relates to the theories of Lawrence Kohlberg. You will hand in your two-column notes over the film and the Stages of Moral development. If time allows, we will look at a few examples of effective and ineffective quotation explications from your final Of Mice and Men reading quizzes.
HW: Read The Little Prince by Wednesday 10/6.

Tuesday: 10/5
IC: You will participate in an activity and discussion that will serve as an introduction to the study of literary theory. You will be able to answer the following essential questions:
  • What is literary theory?
  • Why do people study literary theory?
You will be introduced to the Lesson Five Vocabulary words and practice using them correctly in context.

  • Read The Little Prince by tomorrow!
  • Study and Complete Lesson Five Vocabulary - test Monday 10/11.
Handout: Literary Theory Notes (To be distributed in class.)

Wednesday: 10/6
IC: We will begin by going over the Lesson Four Vocabulary Test. Then we'll look at some models of excellent snapshots. You will identify the effective elements of these snapshots, and work with a partner to identify strategies for improving your own snapshots and integrating them into your Personal Essays. We will review the rubric and expectations for the Personal Essay, and have a Q&A session about MLA formatting as it will apply to your personal essay. Introduction to literary theories based on philosophy.
  • Study and Complete Lesson Five Vocabulary - test Monday 10/11.
  • Completed Personal Essay due Monday 10/11. **Remember that this must be submitted to and you must also submit a paper copy in class on Monday.

Thursday: 10/7
IC: Introduction to the central elements of Existentialism. You will work in groups to apply the thoeries of existentialism to illuminate the text of The Little Prince.
  • Study and Complete Lesson Five Vocabulary - test Monday 10/11.
  • Completed Personal Essay due Monday 10/11. **Remember that this must be submitted to and you must also submit a paper copy in class on Monday.
Friday: 10/8
IC: We will begin with a brief review of Lesson Five Vocabulary. You will touch base with your peers on your navigation of the Writing Process as you craft your Personal Essays. We will continue our study and discussion of existential theory as it relates to the text of The Little Prince. We will end with a Friday Poem.
  • Study and Complete Lesson Five Vocabulary - test Monday 10/11.
  • Completed Personal Essay due Monday 10/11. **Remember that this must be submitted to and you must also submit a paper copy in class on Monday.