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24 October 2010

Weekly Schedule - 10/25 - 10/29

Monday: 10/25
You will begin class by handing in your Lesson Seven Vocabulary Work and taking the Lesson Seven Vocabulary Test. Then, we will read and discuss Romeo & Juliet in class together.

Tuesday: 10/26
We will begin class by going over Lesson Eight Vocabulary Words together. Then, we will review the ten most commonly used comma rules, and I will distribute Comma Quiz #2, which you must complete by tomorrow. Finally, we will continue reading and discussing Romeo & Juliet together.
  • Study and complete Lesson Eight Vocabulary - test Monday 11/1
  • Complete Comma Quiz #2 by tomorrow.
  • Definition Writing of an abstract quality due Friday 10/29. Be sure to consider your many options for the formal presentation of this assignment. Will you type your definition piece in MLA format, incorporate it into a thoughtful collage, pair it with an original illustration?
Handout: Comma Quiz #2 (To be distributed in class.)

Wednesday: 10/27
IC: You will hand in your completed comma quizzes. Then, we will continue reading and discussing Romeo & Juliet together.

  • Study and complete Lesson Eight Vocabulary - test Monday 11/1
  • Definition Writing of an abstract quality due Friday 10/29.

Thursday: 10/28
IC: We will begin class with a review of Lesson Eight Vocabulary. Then, we will continue reading and discussing Romeo & Juliet together.
  • Study and complete Lesson Eight Vocabulary - test Monday 11/1
  • Definition Writing of an abstract quality due Friday 10/29.

Friday: 10/29 - Halloween Dress Up Day (Remember that all costumes must be dress code appropriate. No masks, full face paint, or weapons.)
IC: I will attend a district training today, so you'll be in the hands of one of my favorite substitutes, Ms. Wright. You will hand in your beautifully crafted Definition Writing pieces to Ms. Wright. Then, you will complete an exercise in mastering the art of the Shakespearean insult, the practice of which will make you infinitely cooler. Finally, you will be given time to complete Writer's Notebook Entry #7. Be sure to bring homework (vocabulary, or work from other classes) to help you make meaningful use of the time if you finish early.
  • Study and complete Lesson Eight Vocabulary - test Monday 11/1