Monday: 2/28
IC: We will revisit our discussion of Senator Ellison D. Smith's Congressional Address. We'll review each element of the rhetorical situation, and then we'll complete a large group analysis of Senator Smith's speech. After that, you'll share your completed homework. We'll end with a Lesson Eight Vocabulary Review Exercise (test on Wednesday, 3/2).
Materials: Bring your class notes, completed homework, and vocabulary book.
Tuesday: 3/1
IC: You will begin by completing a reading quiz over chapters seven through ten of William Golding's Lord of the Flies. We'll discuss the reading selection, making note of characterization, symbolism, and theme. Then I will distribute your SCANTRON Reading Test scores. We'll talk about interpreting the scores, and you'll answer a few self-reflection questions for Writer's Notebook Entry #8.
Materials: Bring your class notes, copy of Lord of the Flies, and Writer's Notebook Entries.
Wednesday: 3/2 - Happy birthday, Debbie!
IC: You'll begin class by completing the Lessons Seven and Eight Vocabulary Test. After you've completed the test, we'll take a look at the following poetic devices in the context of Lord of the Flies: assonance, consonance, alliteration, repetition, and rhyme. You'll complete an exercise to check your understanding of these poetic devices.
Materials: Bring your completed extra credit vocabulary work and class notes.
Thursday: 3/3
IC: You will begin class by completing a reading quiz over chapters nine and ten of Lord of the Flies. After the reading quiz, you will write a short constructed response to a prompt.
Materials: Bring your class notes and a writing utensil.
Friday: 3/4
IC: I will share the rubric that CSAP scorers use to assess your writing. We will read and discuss the rubric, and then you will self-assess your in class response from yesterday. We will also spend some time practicing planning as a part of the writing process.
Materials: Bring your class notes and short constructed response from yesterday.
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27 February 2011
21 February 2011
Weekly Schedule 2/22 - 2/25
Tuesday: 2/22
IC: You'll begin class by completing a brief reading quiz over chapters two through four of William Golding's Lord of the Flies. You'll hand in your responses to Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery." We'll discuss your responses to "The Lottery," looking at some essential questions for this unit of study.
Materials: Bring your completed responses to "The Lottery," your written responses to Friday's writing prompt, your copy of Lord of the Flies.
Wednesday: 2/23 - Change of plans: You'll have a substitute teacher today.
IC: You'll be responsible for going over Lessons Seven and Eight Vocabulary and working on the extra credit vocabulary work for each lesson. You will also be asked to complete a Lord of the Flies parts of speech pretest.
Materials: Bring your class notes and vocabulary book.
Thursday: 2/24
IC: You will begin class with a brief reading quiz over chapters five and six of Lord of the Flies. We will discuss the reading selection. You'll work with a peer to complete a Lesson Seven Vocabulary Review Exercise. We'll revisit the parts of speech pretest from Wednesday and address your levels of understanding in each area. We'll end by completing a proofreading exercise to practice your editing skills - this may become homework based on the amount of time we have left.
Materials: Bring your class notes and copy of Lord of the Flies.
HW: Complete the editing exercise distributed in class today. Bring this to class tomorrow.
Friday: 2/25
IC: You'll begin by turning in the editing exercise that I distributed in class yesterday. You will complete an activity that serves as an introduction to rhetoric and rhetorical analysis. I will introduce the PIGSAC method for analyzing the rhetorical situation of a text. You will practice applying this technique in class, working in small groups and reporting back for large group discussion.
Materials: Bring your class notes.
HW: Find/obtain an advertisement (from a magazine, newspaper, printed offline, etc.) and complete a PIGSAC chart to analyze the rhetorical situation of the piece. Bring both the advertisement and your completed PIGSAC chart to class on Monday.
IC: You'll begin class by completing a brief reading quiz over chapters two through four of William Golding's Lord of the Flies. You'll hand in your responses to Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery." We'll discuss your responses to "The Lottery," looking at some essential questions for this unit of study.
Materials: Bring your completed responses to "The Lottery," your written responses to Friday's writing prompt, your copy of Lord of the Flies.
Wednesday: 2/23 - Change of plans: You'll have a substitute teacher today.
IC: You'll be responsible for going over Lessons Seven and Eight Vocabulary and working on the extra credit vocabulary work for each lesson. You will also be asked to complete a Lord of the Flies parts of speech pretest.
Materials: Bring your class notes and vocabulary book.
Thursday: 2/24
IC: You will begin class with a brief reading quiz over chapters five and six of Lord of the Flies. We will discuss the reading selection. You'll work with a peer to complete a Lesson Seven Vocabulary Review Exercise. We'll revisit the parts of speech pretest from Wednesday and address your levels of understanding in each area. We'll end by completing a proofreading exercise to practice your editing skills - this may become homework based on the amount of time we have left.
Materials: Bring your class notes and copy of Lord of the Flies.
HW: Complete the editing exercise distributed in class today. Bring this to class tomorrow.
Friday: 2/25
IC: You'll begin by turning in the editing exercise that I distributed in class yesterday. You will complete an activity that serves as an introduction to rhetoric and rhetorical analysis. I will introduce the PIGSAC method for analyzing the rhetorical situation of a text. You will practice applying this technique in class, working in small groups and reporting back for large group discussion.
Materials: Bring your class notes.
HW: Find/obtain an advertisement (from a magazine, newspaper, printed offline, etc.) and complete a PIGSAC chart to analyze the rhetorical situation of the piece. Bring both the advertisement and your completed PIGSAC chart to class on Monday.
14 February 2011
Lord of the Flies Reading Schedule

Reading Schedule: Be sure to read the following selections by the dates listed below. Remember to expect a brief reading quiz over each selection on the date listed. **Since this is an ongoing assignment, you are responsible for keeping up with the reading schedule regardless of absences. This means that even if you are absent on a day before reading is due, you are still responsible for the reading quiz on the day you return. Be prepared so that you can learn as much as possible in class each day.
Friday, 2/18 - Ch. 1
Tuesday, 2/22 - Ch. 2-4
Thursday, 2/24 - Ch. 5-6
Tuesday, 3/1 - Ch. 7-10
Thursday, 3/3 - Ch. 11-12
11 February 2011
Weekly Schedule 2/14 - 2/18
Monday: 2/14
IC: Those students who still need to complete the Scantron test will do so. We will begin class with a Lesson Five Vocabulary Review Activity. The class will continue viewing and discussing O Brother, Where Art Thou?
Materials: Bring your vocabulary book, class notes, and copy of Homer's Odyssey to turn in if you haven't already done so.
Tuesday: 2/15
IC: We will finish viewing and discussing O Brother, Where Art Thou? We'll share connections, and then you'll turn in your notes from the film. I will distribute copies of William Golding's Lord of the Flies and we'll take a look at the reading schedule. Finally, you will complete Writer's Notebook Entry #7.
Materials: Bring your class notes and Writer's Notebook Entries.
Wednesday: 2/16
IC: We'll begin class with an Everyday Edit. Then you'll work with a peer to complete a Lesson Six Vocabulary Review Activity. Finally, we'll discuss the concept of characterization, including the numerous ways an author builds a reader's understanding of a character within a text. We'll brainstorm ways to develop characters within our own writing.
Materials: Bring your class notes and vocabulary book.
Thursday: 2/17
IC: You will read a short story and respond. You will also register for classes next year during this period.
HW: Write a one page response to the short story - due Tuesday!
Materials: Bring your class registration sheet and class notes.
Friday: 2/18
IC: You will complete the Lessons Five and Six Vocabulary Test. Then you'll take a reading quiz over chapter one of Lord of the Flies. We'll discuss the reading selection, including instances of characterization.
Materials: Bring your complete vocabulary extra credit work, copy of Lord of the Flies, and class notes.
HW: Complete your response to Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery," as well as the writing project assigned in class on Friday. Both assignments are due Tuesday, 2/22.
IC: Those students who still need to complete the Scantron test will do so. We will begin class with a Lesson Five Vocabulary Review Activity. The class will continue viewing and discussing O Brother, Where Art Thou?
Materials: Bring your vocabulary book, class notes, and copy of Homer's Odyssey to turn in if you haven't already done so.
Tuesday: 2/15
IC: We will finish viewing and discussing O Brother, Where Art Thou? We'll share connections, and then you'll turn in your notes from the film. I will distribute copies of William Golding's Lord of the Flies and we'll take a look at the reading schedule. Finally, you will complete Writer's Notebook Entry #7.
Materials: Bring your class notes and Writer's Notebook Entries.
Wednesday: 2/16
IC: We'll begin class with an Everyday Edit. Then you'll work with a peer to complete a Lesson Six Vocabulary Review Activity. Finally, we'll discuss the concept of characterization, including the numerous ways an author builds a reader's understanding of a character within a text. We'll brainstorm ways to develop characters within our own writing.
Materials: Bring your class notes and vocabulary book.
Thursday: 2/17
IC: You will read a short story and respond. You will also register for classes next year during this period.
HW: Write a one page response to the short story - due Tuesday!
Materials: Bring your class registration sheet and class notes.
Friday: 2/18
IC: You will complete the Lessons Five and Six Vocabulary Test. Then you'll take a reading quiz over chapter one of Lord of the Flies. We'll discuss the reading selection, including instances of characterization.
Materials: Bring your complete vocabulary extra credit work, copy of Lord of the Flies, and class notes.
HW: Complete your response to Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery," as well as the writing project assigned in class on Friday. Both assignments are due Tuesday, 2/22.
06 February 2011
Weekly Schedule 2/7 - 2/11
Monday: 2/7
IC: You will turn in your papers! You'll begin class by completing a Lesson Four vocabulary review exercise. Then we'll begin viewing and discussing the film O Brother, Where Art Thou? in relation to our study of Homer's Odyssey and American folk tradition.
Materials: Bring your completed paper with all rough drafts and workshop sheets neatly stapled underneath, your notes, and your vocabulary to class.
Tuesday: 2/8 - SNOW DAY!
Wednesday: 2/9
IC: You will begin class by taking the Lessons Three and Four vocabulary test. I will collect and check in copies of Homer's Odyssey as you complete the test. You will also submit any extra credit vocabulary work you may have completed. After the test, we will continue viewing and discussing O Brother, Where Art Thou?
HW: Complete Writer's Notebook Entry #6.
Materials: Completed vocabulary work, class notes, and your copy of Homer's Odyssey.
Thursday: 2/10
IC: Your counselor, Mr. Lambros, will be in to talk with you about registration for classes next year and requirements for graduation.
Friday: 2/11
IC: We will go to the Integration Lab together after attendance so that you can take the Scantron Reading test to measure your growth and development of skills from the beginning of the year. Be sure to do your best!
IC: You will turn in your papers! You'll begin class by completing a Lesson Four vocabulary review exercise. Then we'll begin viewing and discussing the film O Brother, Where Art Thou? in relation to our study of Homer's Odyssey and American folk tradition.
Materials: Bring your completed paper with all rough drafts and workshop sheets neatly stapled underneath, your notes, and your vocabulary to class.
Tuesday: 2/8 - SNOW DAY!
Wednesday: 2/9
IC: You will begin class by taking the Lessons Three and Four vocabulary test. I will collect and check in copies of Homer's Odyssey as you complete the test. You will also submit any extra credit vocabulary work you may have completed. After the test, we will continue viewing and discussing O Brother, Where Art Thou?
HW: Complete Writer's Notebook Entry #6.
Materials: Completed vocabulary work, class notes, and your copy of Homer's Odyssey.
Thursday: 2/10
IC: Your counselor, Mr. Lambros, will be in to talk with you about registration for classes next year and requirements for graduation.
Friday: 2/11
IC: We will go to the Integration Lab together after attendance so that you can take the Scantron Reading test to measure your growth and development of skills from the beginning of the year. Be sure to do your best!
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