Monday: 2/28
IC: We will revisit our discussion of Senator Ellison D. Smith's Congressional Address. We'll review each element of the rhetorical situation, and then we'll complete a large group analysis of Senator Smith's speech. After that, you'll share your completed homework. We'll end with a Lesson Eight Vocabulary Review Exercise (test on Wednesday, 3/2).
Materials: Bring your class notes, completed homework, and vocabulary book.
Tuesday: 3/1
IC: You will begin by completing a reading quiz over chapters seven through ten of William Golding's Lord of the Flies. We'll discuss the reading selection, making note of characterization, symbolism, and theme. Then I will distribute your SCANTRON Reading Test scores. We'll talk about interpreting the scores, and you'll answer a few self-reflection questions for Writer's Notebook Entry #8.
Materials: Bring your class notes, copy of Lord of the Flies, and Writer's Notebook Entries.
Wednesday: 3/2 - Happy birthday, Debbie!
IC: You'll begin class by completing the Lessons Seven and Eight Vocabulary Test. After you've completed the test, we'll take a look at the following poetic devices in the context of Lord of the Flies: assonance, consonance, alliteration, repetition, and rhyme. You'll complete an exercise to check your understanding of these poetic devices.
Materials: Bring your completed extra credit vocabulary work and class notes.
Thursday: 3/3
IC: You will begin class by completing a reading quiz over chapters nine and ten of Lord of the Flies. After the reading quiz, you will write a short constructed response to a prompt.
Materials: Bring your class notes and a writing utensil.
Friday: 3/4
IC: I will share the rubric that CSAP scorers use to assess your writing. We will read and discuss the rubric, and then you will self-assess your in class response from yesterday. We will also spend some time practicing planning as a part of the writing process.
Materials: Bring your class notes and short constructed response from yesterday.