Monday: 3/28
IC: I will distribute copies of Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, and collect any copies of Lord of the Flies that are still checked out. We'll take a look at the reading schedule together, and then I'll pass out copies of the reading guide for the first reading selection. We'll talk about quotation identification expectations. Finally, you will take some introductory notes about the novel.
Materials: Bring your copy of Lord of the Flies to turn in (unless you already did), and class notes.
HW: Complete the Part One Reading Guide by Friday, 4/1.
Tuesday: 3/29 - Happy birthday, Megan!
IC: We'll go over an introduction to Lessons Nine and Ten Vocabulary - test on Wednesday, 4/6.
Materials: Bring your vocabulary book, class notes, Part One Reading Guide, and copy of Great Expectations.
HW: Complete the Part One Reading Guide by Friday, 4/1.
Wednesday: 3/30
IC: You'll complete Writer's Notebook Entry #9. Then you'll have some class time to read and work on the Part One Reading Guide.
Materials: Bring your class notes, copy of Great Expectations, Part One Reading Guide, and Writer's Notebook Entries.
HW: Complete the Part One Reading Guide by Friday, 4/1.
Thursday: 3/31
IC: You'll work together to complete a Lesson Nine Vocabulary Review Exercise, then we'll review Lessons Nine and Ten together. We'll finish by going over a parts of speech exercise from the text of Great Expectations. Hopefully, you'll have some extra time in class to work on your Reading Guide.
Materials: Bring your vocabulary book, copy of Great Expectations, and Part One Reading Guide.
HW: Complete the Part One Reading Guide by Friday, 4/1.
Friday: 4/1
IC: You will complete a quote identification reading quiz over pages 3-53 of Great Expectations. After you complete the quiz, we'll discuss the reading, using the Part One Reading Guide. Finally, I will distribute the Part Two Reading Guide.
Materials: Bring your class notes, completed Part One Reading Guide, and copy of Great Expecations.
HW: Complete the Part Two Reading Guide by Tuesday, 4/5.
Saturday: 4/2 - Happy birthday, Madison!