Monday: 4/18
IC: We will discuss Lessons Thirteen and Fourteen Vocabulary (test on Wednesday, 4/27). Then you will complete Writer's Notebook Entry #12. All completed, correctly labeled Writer's Notebook Entries are due no later than Friday, 4/22. Finally, you will have any remaining time to work on finishing your Great Expectations reading selection for the reading quiz tomorrow.
Materials: Bring your vocabulary book, class notes, Writer's Notebook Entries, reading guides, and copy of Great Expectations.
Tuesday: 4/19
IC: You will complete a reading quiz over the part six reading selection of Great Expectations. We will discuss the reading selection, and I will distribute the part seven reading guide. We'll take a closer look at Dickens's use of simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences. Then you'll have some time to compose example sentences to show your understanding of the construction and punctuation of a variety of sentence types.
Materials: Bring your reading guides, class notes, and copy of Great Expectations.
Wednesday: 4/20
IC: You will work with a peer to complete a Lesson Thirteen vocabulary review exercise (test on Wednesday, 4/27). You will have an opportunity to share your original sentences from our practice exercise in class yesterday. Finally, you will have work time to read and discuss Great Expectations.
Materials: Bring your vocabulary book, class notes, completed sentences, reading guides, and copy of Great Expectations.
Thursday: 4/21
IC: We'll take a look at the use of figurative language in Great Expectations. You will work together to identify examples in the text after we review different types of figurative language together. You will have the remainder of the class period to work on your reading guide.
Materials: Bring your copy of Great Expectations, reading guides, and class notes.
Friday: 4/22
IC: You will complete a reading quiz over the part seven reading selection of Great Expectations. We'll discuss the reading selection, and I'll distribute the part eight reading guide.
Materials: Bring your completed Writer's Notebook Entries to turn in (if you haven't already done so), your class notes, reading guides, and copy of Great Expectations.