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26 September 2010

Weekly Schedule 9/27 - 10/1 Homecoming Week!

Monday: 9/27 - Movie Night on the Patio 7pm $3
IC: Hand in SNAPSHOT. Change of plans: You'll have a substitute teacher in and complete a vocabulary activity.
HW: Study and complete Lesson Four Vocabulary - test Monday 10/4.

Tuesday: 9/28 - Homecoming T-Shirt Day; Dodgeball Tournament in the Gym 7pm
Introduction to the Stages of Moral Development theories of Lawrence Kohlberg. Vocabulary review.
HW: Study and complete Lesson Four Vocabulary - test Monday 10/4.

Wednesday: 9/29 - BBQ Lunch on the Patio; Homecoming Dress Up Day (Must Still Be In Dress Code!)
Begin Viewing Film: Of Mice and Men. We will discuss the stages of moral development as they provide insight into the characterization and actions of each character within the film.
HW: No Homework Day.

Thursday: 9/30 - Early Dismissal at 1:35 for Powderpuff Football Game; Wear Class Colors
Continue viewing film: Of Mice and Men. Continued discussion of the stages of moral development as they provide insight into the characterization and actions of each character within the film.

Friday: 10/1 - Assembly Schedule; Wear Maroon and White; Homecoming Parade Begins at 5:30 at Broadmoor Elementary; Tailgate at 6pm in the Parking Lot; Homecoming Football Game at 7pm in the Stadium - GO INDIANS!
Finish viewing film: Of Mice and Men. Continued discussion of the stages of moral development as they provide insight into the characterization and actions of each character. Distribution of graded SNAPSHOTS and discussion of impending Personal Essay deadline. Distribution of Antoine de Saint Exupery's The Little Prince.
  • Make good choices, be good to your bodies, and have fun!
  • Complete Writer's Notebook Entry #5
  • Study and Complete Lesson Four Vocabulary - Test Monday 10/4.
  • Read The Little Prince by Wednesday 10/6.

Saturday: 10/2 - Homecoming Dance in the Auxiliary Gym 8:30pm - 11:30pm

25 September 2010

MLA Formatting Reminders

Last Name 1

Student Name

Instructor Name

Course Name and Number

Date Due (MLA format = 27 September 2010)

Essentials for MLA Formatting

All text must be size twelve, Times New Roman, and double-spaced. Set all margins to one inch, and the indention at the beginning of the paragraph to an extra ½ inch. There are no extra spaces between the heading and title, or the title and text of the paper. Do not include extra spaces between paragraphs.

19 September 2010

Weekly Schedule 9/20 - 9/24

Monday: 9/20
IC: MLA and tutorials in the Integration Lab. Reading quiz over pages 65-81 in Of Mice and Men. I will pass back your Personal Essay Proposals and we'll go over a few reminders to consider in the composition of the personal essay.
Handout: You will create your own MLA Formatting Handout in the Integration Lab.

Tuesday: 9/21
IC: SCANTRON TESTING in the Integration Lab - be sure to report to the classroom first so we can take attendance and proceed to the lab together. **Remember that you must bring the information you need to log on to school computers: Student I.D. number and password. Also be sure to bring homework/reading to work on quietly while others finish testing.
HW: Study and complete Lesson Three Vocabulary - test 9/23.

Wednesday: 9/22 - Class Meeting Schedule
IC: SCANTRON TESTING in the Integration Lab - be sure to report to the classroom first so we can take attendance and proceed to the lab together. **Remember that you must bring the information you need to log on to school computers: Student I.D. number and password. We'll go over the Lesson Two vocabulary workbook and test, and then we'll conduct a brief vocabulary review. (Note that you do not have a reading quiz today due to time constraints - you will be tested over pages 82-105 on Friday.)
HW: Study and complete Lesson Three Vocabulary - test tomorrow.

Class Meeting Schedule - All freshmen are to report to the cafeteria during the class meeting.
Zero Hour 6:40 - 7:30
1st 7:35 - 8:25
2nd 8:30 - 9:20
3rd 9:25 - 10:20
CLASS MEETING - 10:25 - 10:40
*Seniors - Auditorium
*Juniors - Main Gym
*Sophomores - Auxiliary Gym
*Freshmen - Cafeteria
4th 10:45 - 11:30
5th (a) 11:35 - 12:25 (First Lunch)
5th (b) 12:30 - 1:20 (Second Lunch)
6th 1:25 - 2:10
7th 2:15 - 3:00

Thursday: 9/23
IC: Hand in Lesson Three Vocabulary work and take the Lesson Three test. Poem: "The Invitation" by Oriah Mountain Dreamer. Introduction to and practice of SNAPSHOT writing - we'll focus on the function of a snapshot within the personal essay. Your in-class SNAPSHOT quickwrites will count as your Writer's Notebook Entry #4.
  • Select a specific event or moment in time that relates to the topic/insight of your Personal Essay to capture and explode with a SNAPSHOT.
  • Completed SNAPSHOT due Monday. Typed, MLA format. (Ask your formatting questions NOW!)
Handout: Snapshots Handout to be distributed in class.

Friday: 9/24
IC: Reading quiz over pages 82-105 in Of Mice and Men. We'll take a look at Steinbeck's use of the SNAPSHOT technique within Of Mice and Men. In class drafting and discussion of SNAPSHOTS as they relate to your personal essay. We'll end class with a brief introduction to Lesson Four Vocabulary. Be prepared to turn in Of Mice and Men books today. (Another teacher is waiting for them!)
  • Study and complete Lesson Four Vocabulary - test 9/30.
  • Completed SNAPSHOT due Monday 9/27. Typed, MLA format.
  • Get ready for Homecoming Week!!

14 September 2010

Safe2Tell Link

10 September 2010

Weekly Schedule 9/13 - 9/17

Monday: 9/13
Mr. Lambros, the freshman counselor, will be in to speak with you for approximately fifteen minutes. Turn in revisions of Summer Reading Assignments. Reading Quiz over pages 3-17 of Of Mice and Men. Distribute and discuss graded vocabulary tests and workbook work. Review of Lesson Two vocabulary including a closer look at the analogies in Exercise C. Discussion of responses to the PART A worksheet from the selection of I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou.
Vocabulary test 9/16. Study and complete workbook work for Lesson Two.

Tuesday: 9/14
Sentence-composing activity with discussion. Considering the context of Steinbeck's novella - a brief introduction to the Great Depression. Discussion of Personal Essay Proposals - how to write one, what elements should be included, etc.
  • Vocabulary test 9/16. Study and complete Lesson Two workbook work.
  • Personal Essay Proposals due 9/17.
Handout: We will view and discuss a brief PowerPoint presentation on the Great Depression.

Wednesday: 9/15 - Back to School Night!
We will begin with a brief vocabulary review. Reading Quiz over pages 18-37. In continuing our discussion of the elements of poetic analysis, we will close read and discuss the poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" by Robert Frost. We'll end the class period with more discussion of the Personal Essay Proposal.
  • Vocabulary test tomorrow 9/16. Study and complete Lesson Two workbook work.
  • Personal Essay Proposals due 9/17.

Thursday: 9/16 - 2 Hour Delayed Start Schedule - Happy Birthday Hannah!
Turn in Lesson Two vocabulary work and take the Lesson Two vocabulary test. Because this is a short day, we'll only have time for the vocabulary test and Writer's Notebook Entry #3. One-on-one last minute Q&A about the Personal Essay Proposals.
  • Personal Essay Proposals due tomorrow 9/17.
  • Close read selection of Studs Terkel's Working by Monday.
Handout: Selection from Studs Terkel's Working - To be distributed in class.

2 Hour Delayed Start Schedule
0 Hour 9:00 - 9:35
1st 9:40 - 10:15
2nd 10:20 - 10:55
3rd 11:00 - 11:40
4th 11:45 - 12:20
5th 12:25 - 1:00 / 1st Lunch
5th 1:05 - 1:40 / 2nd Lunch
6th 1:45 - 2:20
7th 2:25 - 3:00

Friday: 9/17
Hand in Personal Essay Proposals. Take a Reading Quiz over pages 38-64 of Of Mice and Men, then discuss the reading selection as a class. Introduction to lesson three vocabulary. Friday Poem.
  • Vocabulary test 9/23. Study and complete Lesson Three workbook work.
  • Close read selection of Studs Terkel's Working.

07 September 2010

Steinbeck Reading Schedule

Of Mice and Men
by John Steinbeck

Reading Schedule: Be sure to read the following selections by the dates listed below. Remember to expect a brief reading quiz over each selection on the date listed. **Since this is an ongoing assignment, you are responsible for keeping up with the reading schedule regardless of absences. This means that even if you are absent on a day before reading is due, you are still responsible for the reading quiz on the day you return. Be prepared so that you can learn as much as possible in class each day.

Monday 9/13 - pp. 3-17
Wednesday 9/15 - pp. 18-37
Friday 9/17 - pp. 38-64
Monday 9/20 - pp. 65-81
Wednesday 9/22 - pp. 82-96
Friday 9/24 - pp. 97-105

Weekly Schedule 9/8 - 9/10

Wednesday: 9/8
IC: We will begin with the Friday Poem because we did not get to it on Friday. We'll have a brief vocabulary review in preparation for the test tomorrow. Finally, I will distribute your graded summer reading assignments and we will talk about the expectations for work at the Freshman Honors level. I will present the checklist I used to assess your summer reading assignments and we'll talk about how you can you this information to self-assess and revise.
  • Study vocabulary. Vocabulary test and workbook work due tomorrow - 9/9.
  • Summer Reading Assignment revisions due 9/13.
Thursday: 9/9
Hand in Lesson One Vocabulary work, and take the Lesson One Test. Distribute Of Mice and Men and go over the reading schedule and expectations. Writer's Notebook activity: Stones in the River.
HW: Summer Reading Assignment revisions due 9/13.

Friday: 9/10
Introduce Vocabulary Lesson Two. Read a selection of Maya Angelou's I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings and discuss, noting elements of voice, style, and the personal essay. Introduction to Personal Essay Assignment - including discussion of rubric.
  • Summer Reading Assignment revisions due 9/13.
  • Personal Essay proposal due 9/16.
  • Study Vocabulary - test 9/16.
Handout: The Personal Essay Rubric and Assignment Sheet (To be distributed in class.)