IC: Hand in SNAPSHOT. Change of plans: You'll have a substitute teacher in and complete a vocabulary activity.
HW: Study and complete Lesson Four Vocabulary - test Monday 10/4.
Tuesday: 9/28 - Homecoming T-Shirt Day; Dodgeball Tournament in the Gym 7pm
IC: Introduction to the Stages of Moral Development theories of Lawrence Kohlberg. Vocabulary review.
HW: Study and complete Lesson Four Vocabulary - test Monday 10/4.
Wednesday: 9/29 - BBQ Lunch on the Patio; Homecoming Dress Up Day (Must Still Be In Dress Code!)
IC: Begin Viewing Film: Of Mice and Men. We will discuss the stages of moral development as they provide insight into the characterization and actions of each character within the film.
HW: No Homework Day.
Thursday: 9/30 - Early Dismissal at 1:35 for Powderpuff Football Game; Wear Class Colors
IC: Continue viewing film: Of Mice and Men. Continued discussion of the stages of moral development as they provide insight into the characterization and actions of each character within the film.
Friday: 10/1 - Assembly Schedule; Wear Maroon and White; Homecoming Parade Begins at 5:30 at Broadmoor Elementary; Tailgate at 6pm in the Parking Lot; Homecoming Football Game at 7pm in the Stadium - GO INDIANS!
IC: Finish viewing film: Of Mice and Men. Continued discussion of the stages of moral development as they provide insight into the characterization and actions of each character. Distribution of graded SNAPSHOTS and discussion of impending Personal Essay deadline. Distribution of Antoine de Saint Exupery's The Little Prince.
- Make good choices, be good to your bodies, and have fun!
- Complete Writer's Notebook Entry #5
- Study and Complete Lesson Four Vocabulary - Test Monday 10/4.
- Read The Little Prince by Wednesday 10/6.
Saturday: 10/2 - Homecoming Dance in the Auxiliary Gym 8:30pm - 11:30pm