IC: We will begin with the Friday Poem because we did not get to it on Friday. We'll have a brief vocabulary review in preparation for the test tomorrow. Finally, I will distribute your graded summer reading assignments and we will talk about the expectations for work at the Freshman Honors level. I will present the checklist I used to assess your summer reading assignments and we'll talk about how you can you this information to self-assess and revise.
- Study vocabulary. Vocabulary test and workbook work due tomorrow - 9/9.
- Summer Reading Assignment revisions due 9/13.
IC: Hand in Lesson One Vocabulary work, and take the Lesson One Test. Distribute Of Mice and Men and go over the reading schedule and expectations. Writer's Notebook activity: Stones in the River.
HW: Summer Reading Assignment revisions due 9/13.
Friday: 9/10
IC: Introduce Vocabulary Lesson Two. Read a selection of Maya Angelou's I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings and discuss, noting elements of voice, style, and the personal essay. Introduction to Personal Essay Assignment - including discussion of rubric.
- Summer Reading Assignment revisions due 9/13.
- Personal Essay proposal due 9/16.
- Study Vocabulary - test 9/16.