Monday: 5/2
You will work with a peer to complete a Lesson Fifteen Vocabulary Review Exercise. We'll review your current root words together. Finally, as you begin crafting shorts that might become part of your final writing piece for the year, we'll begin a series of minilessons on effective fiction writing. We'll start with a minilesson on writing dialogue.
Tuesday: 5/3
You will complete a reading quiz over reading selection nine of Great Expectations. We will discuss the reading selection, and I'll distribute your new reading guide. We'll revisit your corrections to the dialogue handout from Monday. Any remaining time will be used for work on your reading guide.
Wednesday: 5/4
You will work with a peer to complete a Lesson Sixteen Vocabulary Review Exercise. We'll revisit your vocabulary roots one last time before the test tomorrow. Then you will take part in a creative writing exercise in order to put your dialogue skills to work.
Thursday: 5/5
You will complete the Lessons Fifteen and Sixteen Vocabulary Test. Then you'll work on a fiction writing minilesson that focuses on the composition of effective leads. We'll look at some examples of effective leads and discuss how and why they work. Of course, you'll have writing time to craft several leads of your own as you try on the techniques we have identified.
Friday: 5/6
You will complete a reading quiz over selection ten of Great Expectations. We'll discuss the reading selection. I'll distribute your next reading guide, and a character profile sheet on which you will create the protagonist for your final piece of writing. You will have some Friday work time.