Monday: 5/9
We'll revisit the character profile you've been developing for your protagonist. We'll review and discuss methods of direct and indirect characterization (don't forget the role of dialogue!). We'll also talk about beginning to develop the antagonist in your story. Keep in mind that characters often highlight things about each other - think of Dickens's way of using Herbert's calm, thoughtful manner to illustrate Pip's impetuous and selfish behavior as a young man. You will begin developing a character profile for your antagonist.
Tuesday: 5/10
You'll complete a reading quiz over the eleventh reading selection of Great Expectations. We'll discuss the selection. I will distribute a copy of your vocabulary study list (simply copied from the back of the vocabulary book) and we'll review some of your words together to give you an idea of what you need to review for the final exam.
Wednesday: 5/11
We'll come back to your character profiles and discuss the character first approach to fiction writing. You'll have an opportunity to share and discuss your creations with your peers. Then we'll review the elements of short stories - making note of elements your final exam writing is expected to include.
Thursday: 5/12
We'll read and discuss an excellent short story. We'll read as writers, noting the author's choices in the construction of the piece.
Friday: 5/13
You will complete the FINAL READING QUIZ over Great Expectations! We'll discuss the end of the text, making note of Dickens's choices as a writer for bringing the tome to a close.