Cockrell 1A
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19 May 2011
16 May 2011
O Hour 6:45 – 7:35
1st Period 7:40 – 8:10
2nd Period 8:15 – 8:45
3rd Period 8:50 – 9:20
4th Period 9:25 – 9:55
5th Period-A 10:00 – 10:30
(1st lunch – Those students who would normally have lunch 5A, will clean outlockers now)
5th Period-B 10:35-11:05
(2nd lunch – Those students who would normally have lunch 5B, will clean out lockers now)
6th Period 11:10 – 11:40
7th Period 11:45 – 12:15
Farewell to Seniors BBQ &Yearbook Distribution
12:15 – 2:00
08 May 2011
Weekly Schedule 5/9 - 5/13
We'll revisit the character profile you've been developing for your protagonist. We'll review and discuss methods of direct and indirect characterization (don't forget the role of dialogue!). We'll also talk about beginning to develop the antagonist in your story. Keep in mind that characters often highlight things about each other - think of Dickens's way of using Herbert's calm, thoughtful manner to illustrate Pip's impetuous and selfish behavior as a young man. You will begin developing a character profile for your antagonist.
Tuesday: 5/10
You'll complete a reading quiz over the eleventh reading selection of Great Expectations. We'll discuss the selection. I will distribute a copy of your vocabulary study list (simply copied from the back of the vocabulary book) and we'll review some of your words together to give you an idea of what you need to review for the final exam.
Wednesday: 5/11
We'll come back to your character profiles and discuss the character first approach to fiction writing. You'll have an opportunity to share and discuss your creations with your peers. Then we'll review the elements of short stories - making note of elements your final exam writing is expected to include.
Thursday: 5/12
We'll read and discuss an excellent short story. We'll read as writers, noting the author's choices in the construction of the piece.
Friday: 5/13
You will complete the FINAL READING QUIZ over Great Expectations! We'll discuss the end of the text, making note of Dickens's choices as a writer for bringing the tome to a close.
01 May 2011
Weekly Schedule 5/2 - 5/6
You will work with a peer to complete a Lesson Fifteen Vocabulary Review Exercise. We'll review your current root words together. Finally, as you begin crafting shorts that might become part of your final writing piece for the year, we'll begin a series of minilessons on effective fiction writing. We'll start with a minilesson on writing dialogue.
Tuesday: 5/3
You will complete a reading quiz over reading selection nine of Great Expectations. We will discuss the reading selection, and I'll distribute your new reading guide. We'll revisit your corrections to the dialogue handout from Monday. Any remaining time will be used for work on your reading guide.
Wednesday: 5/4
You will work with a peer to complete a Lesson Sixteen Vocabulary Review Exercise. We'll revisit your vocabulary roots one last time before the test tomorrow. Then you will take part in a creative writing exercise in order to put your dialogue skills to work.
Thursday: 5/5
You will complete the Lessons Fifteen and Sixteen Vocabulary Test. Then you'll work on a fiction writing minilesson that focuses on the composition of effective leads. We'll look at some examples of effective leads and discuss how and why they work. Of course, you'll have writing time to craft several leads of your own as you try on the techniques we have identified.
Friday: 5/6
You will complete a reading quiz over selection ten of Great Expectations. We'll discuss the reading selection. I'll distribute your next reading guide, and a character profile sheet on which you will create the protagonist for your final piece of writing. You will have some Friday work time.
24 April 2011
Weekly Schedule 4/25 - 4/29
IC: We will briefly review different types of figurative language, and we'll also talk about the importance of avoiding cliche language in your own writing. Then, you'll be faced with the challenge of writing some vivid, original examples of your own figurative language. We should have time to share these pieces in class.
Materials: Bring your reading guides, class notes, and copy of Great Expectations.
Tuesday: 4/26
IC: You will complete a reading quiz over the part eight reading selection of Great Expectations. We'll discuss the reading selection and I will distribute the reading guide for the next reading selection. Then you'll complete a Lesson Fourteen Vocabulary Review with a peer.
Materials: Bring your class notes, reading guides, copy of Great Expectations, and vocabulary book.
Wednesday: 4/27 - ACT Testing Schedule
IC: You will complete the Lessons Thirteen and Fourteen Vocabulary Test.
Materials: Bring any completed vocabulary extra credit work to turn in.
Thursday: 4/28
IC: We will go over an introduction to Lessons Fifteen and Sixteen Vocabulary - this will be your last new vocabulary for the year! (Test on Thursday, 5/5.) You will have any remaining time to work on your reading guide.
Materials: Bring your vocabulary book, class notes, reading guides, and copy of Great Expectations.
Friday: 4/29 - No school. Teacher Work Day!
17 April 2011
Weekly Schedule 4/18 - 4/22
IC: We will discuss Lessons Thirteen and Fourteen Vocabulary (test on Wednesday, 4/27). Then you will complete Writer's Notebook Entry #12. All completed, correctly labeled Writer's Notebook Entries are due no later than Friday, 4/22. Finally, you will have any remaining time to work on finishing your Great Expectations reading selection for the reading quiz tomorrow.
Materials: Bring your vocabulary book, class notes, Writer's Notebook Entries, reading guides, and copy of Great Expectations.
Tuesday: 4/19
IC: You will complete a reading quiz over the part six reading selection of Great Expectations. We will discuss the reading selection, and I will distribute the part seven reading guide. We'll take a closer look at Dickens's use of simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences. Then you'll have some time to compose example sentences to show your understanding of the construction and punctuation of a variety of sentence types.
Materials: Bring your reading guides, class notes, and copy of Great Expectations.
Wednesday: 4/20
IC: You will work with a peer to complete a Lesson Thirteen vocabulary review exercise (test on Wednesday, 4/27). You will have an opportunity to share your original sentences from our practice exercise in class yesterday. Finally, you will have work time to read and discuss Great Expectations.
Materials: Bring your vocabulary book, class notes, completed sentences, reading guides, and copy of Great Expectations.
Thursday: 4/21
IC: We'll take a look at the use of figurative language in Great Expectations. You will work together to identify examples in the text after we review different types of figurative language together. You will have the remainder of the class period to work on your reading guide.
Materials: Bring your copy of Great Expectations, reading guides, and class notes.
Friday: 4/22
IC: You will complete a reading quiz over the part seven reading selection of Great Expectations. We'll discuss the reading selection, and I'll distribute the part eight reading guide.
Materials: Bring your completed Writer's Notebook Entries to turn in (if you haven't already done so), your class notes, reading guides, and copy of Great Expectations.
10 April 2011
Weekly Schedule 4/11 - 4/15
IC: You'll begin the week by completing a Lesson Eleven Vocabulary Review Exercise with a peer. We'll go over a vocabulary review together, and then discuss the part three reading selection from Great Expectations.
Materials: Bring your vocabulary book, class notes, reading guides, and copy of Great Expectations.
HW: Complete the Part Four Reading Guide for the quiz tomorrow.
Tuesday: 4/12
IC: You'll begin by taking the Part Four Reading Quiz. I will distribute the Part Five Reading Guide. Then you'll complete Writer's Notebook Entry #11. We'll end with discussion of the part four reading selection from Great Expecatations.
Materials: Bring your Writer's Notebooks, class notes, reading guides, and copy of Great Expectations.
HW: Complete the Part Five Reading Guide for the quiz on Friday, 4/15.
Wednesday: 4/13
IC: We will take a look at simple, compound, and complex sentences in the context of Great Expectations. Then you will have work time in class to work on the Part Five Reading Guide because today is a NO HOMEWORK DAY! :-)
Materials: Bring your class notes, reading guides, and copy of Great Expectations.
Thursday: 4/14
IC: You'll begin with a Lesson Twelve Vocabulary Review Exercise. Then we'll review your vocabulary (test tomorrow!) as a group. Finally, you will have time to work on your Part Five Reading Guide as well as ask questions about the reading.
Materials: Bring your vocabulary book, class notes, reading guides, and copy of Great Expectations.
HW: Complete the Part Five Reading Guide for the quiz tomorrow.
Friday: 4/15
IC: You'll begin by handing in any completed extra credit vocabulary work. Then you'll take the Lessons Eleven and Twelve Vocabulary Test, as well as the Part Five reading quiz. I will distribute the Part Six Reading Guide. We will end class with a discussion of the part five reading selection of Great Expectations.
Materials: Bring any completed vocabulary extra credit work, your class notes, reading guides, and copy of Great Expectations.
HW: Complete the Part Six Reading Guide for the reading quiz on Tuesday, 4/19.